Sunday, April 03, 2005


Journal 9

Eileen R. Tabois’ poems in Reproductions of the Empty Flagpole are very interesting to say the least. Her first six poems are centered around Greece, Greek culture, and Greek mythology. This is overall theme is very interesting to me since she is a Filipina poet who is apparently known for her work surrounding her own culture. Perhaps this connection to ancient Greek life is a way for Tabois to express another side of her, or maybe it is somehow related to Filipino culture. However, I have not quite figured out how it could be possibly connected in this way, but it must have some kind of significance since she has begun this book strategically with these essays. Some have mentioned the connection to colonialzation, or de-colonialzation, but I think there is another level there.
Because Tabois’ poetry is experimental, it is difficult for me to extract the deeper meaning. I must say her writing is quite creative, and I admit, I really do not understand her thought process and how she goes from one line to the next. However, I did enjoy her poem “Ethos” more than the others, probably because she spoke of Athena, a figure that I recognize. From what I got from this poem, Tabois is describing a well liked figure such as Athena and how there is more to her than meets the eye. Although her statue may be worn down, she is still a mighty power, and this must be sustained.
“Purity” was also interesting because it finally related the Greeks to her audience of perhaps disenfranchised people. Maybe Tabois is comparing Greeks to Filipinos, and calling Filipinos a pure people because they did not submit to the evils of expansionism.

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